Communion and the transcendent

This article offers numerous creative and simple ways that might contribute to a more meaningful and prayerful celebration of Mass. It is offered by Monique (name withheld but supplied). 

To Karol Josef Wojtyla, Freedom of Speech was an alien concept

Clifford Longley’s article in The Tablet (Nov 1, 2017) argues that Wojtyla’s lack of experience of democracy made for an authoritarian papacy that could not allow science and reason to correct faith. The Tablet: The International Catholic News Weekly. Reproduced with permission of the Publisher.

Alan Gill religious journalist 

Brian Lucas, Sydney priest, offers a few memories of the long-time religious affairs journalist with The Sydney Morning Herald. He was very popular and offered an honest perspective on religious affairs. Alan Gill (1937-2018) died in February this year.

Remastering Catholic Marriage Preparation

Byron & Francine Pirola are the directors of the Marriage Resource Centre and are authors of the SmartLoving Series. They have been working in marriage formation for over twenty-five years including roles in the Australian Council of Natural Family Planning, the Catholic Society for Marriage Education, the Australian Catholic Marriage and Family Council.