The dark night: A post Royal Commission Church

A news item by John Allen (The Swag Autumn 2018) expressed fear that the ‘let’s move on’ camp, post Royal Commission into Institutional Sexual Abuse, is gaining ground, even ‘calling the shots’. Brian Gallagher MSC, Shoreham, Vic, looks at ‘moving on’ using John of the Cross’ teaching on purification of our memories.

Reading the Christian story properly

Eric Hodgens writes about the meaning of stories as the key to understanding them. How we read texts and reread them in each new age is equally important for our reading of scripture stories.

Where to from here?

Fr Patrick J Flanagan, Red Cliffs, Victoria, charts the history of the missal texts and the need for reform.

Remembrance of things past, Adelaide’s Pastoral team

Paul Hawkes, BTh. is an active layperson participating in a range of local ministries within the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide. He has a particular interest in ecclesiastical history and in the contribution of the laity in the light of the challenges facing the Catholic Church today. In this article he looks at Archbishop Faulkner’s Diocesan Pastoral Team as a model of governance for our times.

Tweet others as you would like to be tweeted, Mr Folau

Peter Day, Canberra priest, reflects on the theology of Isreal Folau’s tweet that homosexuals will go to hell.