Becoming human, becoming holy – Pope Francis
Christopher Obi, Parish Priest, St. Thomas’ Parish, Camp Hill, Queensland, analyses the new apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate in a post-structural, post colonial secular world.
Christopher Obi, Parish Priest, St. Thomas’ Parish, Camp Hill, Queensland, analyses the new apostolic exhortation by Pope Francis, Gaudete et Exsultate in a post-structural, post colonial secular world.
Vic O’Callaghan is co-designer of a process that offers safety, secured agreements, and most significantly, a voice for all. He works in schools and communities in Restorative Practices. He talks about his experience of using Listening Circles in Parramatta Diocese as a catalyst for authenticity as we search for effective antidotes to the paralysing and silencing impact of the abuse that still hinders genuine healing.
Frank O’Loughlin, Parish Priest of Sandringham, Victoria, suggests we be aware when praying for or seeking vocations to the priesthood that it is only just and right to do so with a clear understanding of the church in the world approach of the Second Vatican Council.
John Hill, parishioner of Kensington Parish in Sydney, imagines the heights to which a local community might rise if, by living gospel faith, we took the simplicity and authenticity of the Christ child of Christmas as a beacon to light our way.
Frank O’Dea SSS looks at how the transformative nature of the Eucharist needs to be reflected in our lives.