Being trans, being present 

Nicolete Burbach writes, "Transness is something exciting, dynamic and beautiful, and it’s a source of rich meaning for the Church, social and environmental justice leader at the London Jesuit Centre". Her research focuses on resourcing Pope Francis to navigate the difficulties facing trans people and the Church as they come into new forms of contact with one another.

Do Australian Catholic schools have an Irish history? 

Eoin De Bhaldraithe OCist, Bolton Abbey, Co Kildare, Ireland, explores the history of the separation of Catholic schools from the state system in Ireland and how this may have influenced the history of Australian Catholic schools. 

Statement by Pax Christi Australia for peace in Ukraine  

Father Claude Mostowik MSC, President of Pax Christi Australia, issued this statement on March 8, 2022.

Confirmation: the sacrament in search of a reason to exist 

Harry Moore SM discusses the history of Confirmation and its meaning. 

Clericalism: we need to de-construct just what it means 

Rene Pols from South Australia discusses the many aspects of clericalism. 

There is general consensus that clericalism is indeed a serious problem in the church.