A way of transformation in ministry: A reflection on pastoral supervision 

Eveline Crotty RSM, is Institute Leader of the Institute of the Sisters of Mercy Australia and Papua New Guinea and past President of Transforming Practices, a group of autonomous practitioners offering support for people in ministry through pastoral supervision. She explores the meaning of pastoral supervision and why it is so effective in understanding and developing values, attitudes and skills in pastoral ministry. This article is an updated version of the original article published in The Swag Winter 2012. 

A Pathway but for whom and to where?

Mary Monagle advocates on behalf of survivors of sexual abuse. She looks at the new Pathways process for Victoria from a perspective built on years of personal contact with people damaged from sexual abuse by church-related perpetrators. 

When bishops play dirty 

Terry Fewtrell is a retired consultant in organisational change and leadership. He is involved with Concerned Catholics Canberra Goulburn.

A new era: Roman Curia, Australian Government and President of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference

Peter Maher, Sydney priest, comments on some changes we face in Australia today with the reform of the Roman Curia, the new president of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference and the Australian Government.

Mission anniversaries 

Rev Brian Lucas, National Director of Catholic Mission charts the history of the Congregation de Propaganda Fide on its 400th anniversary.