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Greg Trythall PP (Chair ACCRAF) Australian Catholic Clergy Remuneration Assistance Fund.
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Greg Trythall PP (Chair ACCRAF) Australian Catholic Clergy Remuneration Assistance Fund.
Parish Priests for the Synod (2 May 2024) In early May Pope Francis convened an international meeting of parish priests from around the world at which some priests from Australia […]
Paul Crotty is parish priest of Cooper Pedy (Diocese of Port Pirie). He was one of the invited parish priests from around the world to the meeting in Rome with […]
John Warhurst is an Emeritus Professor of Political Science at the Australian National University. This article appeared first in Eureka Street, on 1 August this year. It is reprinted here […]
Massimo Faggioli (18 July, La Croix International) There were two significant Church gatherings in July in two different cities in two different countries, Italy and the USA. Massimo Faggioli, who […]