Amoris Laetitiae – how has it been received?
John Swann, Adelaide priest, asks how we might implement and embody the way Pope Francis invites us to see marriage and the family in our age.
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John Swann, Adelaide priest, asks how we might implement and embody the way Pope Francis invites us to see marriage and the family in our age.
Eric Hodgens. Fr Tony (Dutchy) Guelen, who died 25 October 2017, was Holland’s loss but Melbourne’s gain. A young Dutch immigrant, he did his seminary studies at Corpus Christi College, […]
Peter Day, Canberra priest, asks how effective church leaders’ statements about sexuality are in the current climate and culture.
Terry Duff is a solicitor and practises in central west NSW. He holds degrees in both law and theology. Married for 26 years, Terry has been a widower for four […]
Eric Hodgens, Melbourne pastor emeritus, writes on the way the influence of bishops in church governance militates against a collaborative inclusive church.