The Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia

In 1998 NCP took over the publishing of The Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia on behalf of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference as a service to the Australian Church.

The Official Directory is a 1st July annual publication and is published in print and at

The companion online directory is updated on a daily basis to ensure information is accurate and as up to date as possible.

The 900 pages of the print edition contain over 22,000 records of parishes, schools and organisations which make up the Australian Catholic Church and the people working in all these areas.

It is an invaluable resource for all who work for the Church in Australia.

Orders at

Below is the letter from Archbishop Denis Hart taken from the 2017-2018 edition.

Thank you for taking The Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia in its newest edition, 2017 to 2018.  The Directory is a wonderful illustration of the spiritual, prophetic, educational and caring work by which the Church contributes to the life of our Australian community.

I am very proud of our parishes, schools, agencies, hospitals and social welfare projects which help us to communicate with each other and to share in the service that true followers of Christ are invited to offer.

This message is written in the Easter Season, when we remember the ultimate triumph of Jesus over death, and his resurrection, which gives us power always to be filled with hope of new life.  During this year Pope Francis has exercised remarkable leadership in care for the world which is God's gift, in outreach to the poor and the refugees and in engagement with people wherever they are and whatever they may suffer.  In his Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia, the Pope uses the image of married love to describe Christ's love for each of us in the Church, encouraging us to walk with each other in whatever situation we may find ourselves, in the midst of the challenges of modern living and the struggles and difficulties of many people.  In the Church our care has to extend to all rather than to be exclusive.  So often the Pope shows a welcoming face which leads us to be engaged with the reality of human existence and gives us the hope which we can offer freely as a gift to others.  We as believers are invited to join our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in being the welcoming, open face of Christ to the world in which we live, and humbly to serve its members in generosity and love.

The Official Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia enables people to keep in touch with each other so that we can foster our common work for the Gospel.  I am deeply grateful to Sally Heath and Christine Moore of the National Council of Priests Office for their work in the compilation of the Directory.  Often as I use the Directory I learn about others and their contribution to the service of people in the Church.  We are one with our Holy Father in his monthly prayer intentions, and in knowing and loving Jesus Christ as a real person.  This is the genius of our faith.

I greet you and my prayers go with you that this book may serve you well in all that you are doing.  Thank you.

Yours sincerely in Christ,

Australian Catholic Bishops Conference