
Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM

Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM

Dadirri (da-did-ee) means Inner Deep Listening and Quiet Still Awareness. This is a reflection by Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM, Senior Australian of the Year 2021. Dr Ungunmerr Baumann AM is an Aboriginal elder from Nauiyu, NT and a renowned artist, activist, writer and public speaker. The word, concept and spiritual practice that is dadirri is from the Ngan’gikurungurr and Ngen’giwurri languages of the Aboriginal people of the Nauiyu/Daly River region, NT, Australia. Reprinted with permission.

Mandatory celibacy no longer tenable

Kevin Treston

Kevin Treston

Dr Kevin Treston OAM, adult faith educator, has been working with adult Catholics for many years. He considers the factors and influences on the movement towards mandatory celibacy for Roman Rite priests in the 12th century and what changes have made the rethinking of this policy essential in the 21st century.

Aengus Kavanagh

Catholic schools – their role in the mission of the Church and in society

Aengus Kavanagh

Aengus Kavanagh

Aengus Kavanagh FSP, Patrician Brother, Sydney, has been involved for many years in Catholic Schools at all levels of administration. This article is the second part of an article begun in The Swag (Autumn 2021), looking at the history and development of Catholic Schools in Australia after 200 years. This second part asks questions about where Catholic education is going, the challenges ahead and some hurdles to be overcome. 

Some thoughts on what God can and cannot do

John O’Loughlin Kennedy is a retired economist. With his wife, Kay, he founded Concern in 1968. He discusses the flaws in the Vatican’s logic behind denying blessings to same-sex couples. His book, The Curia is the Pope is published by Mount Salus Press. 

Bede Heather

Heather: a wise bishop

Bede Heather

Bede Heather

The Rev Rod Bower is the Anglican Rector at the Anglican Parish Gosford which belongs to the Newcastle Diocese. He was also a very good friend of Bishop Bede Heather. This is the eulogy he gave at the Vigil Mass for Bishop Bede Heather at St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Baulkham Hills on the evening of Wednesday March 3, 2021.