The Swag

The reception of Vatican II in Australia – A personal reflection

The 70s was the most exciting decade for the Catholic Church following Vatican II. Three main vehicles of excitement were the catechetical movement, the seminaries and the continuing education of the clergy.

Christianity in a time of sickness

Tomáš Halík is a professor of sociology at Charles University, Prague, president of the Czech Christian Academy and a university chaplain. During the Communist regime he was active in the underground church. He is a Templeton Prize laureate and holds an honorary doctorate from Oxford University. Reprinted from America 3 April, 2020 with permission of America Press Inc. 2020. All rights reserved. For subscription information, call 1-800-627-9533 or visit

The Plenary Council: Where to after Coronavirus?

Rev Gerry McKernan and Peter Sheehan are members of the Melbourne parish of St Kevin’s, Lower Templestowe and are members of the editorial committee of the website. How might the pandemic become a parable of hope for the Plenary Council?

Sign of Unity – Instrument of Peace

Dr Garry Nolan AM is a life-long lay Catholic who has continuously been active in Catholic schools, parishes, deaneries and Catholic Social Services agencies, with extensive experience in governance, leadership mentoring and community & organisational development.

The Swag

The Road to Emmaus

Tony Doherty, Sydney priest, offers a reflection each Sunday on the gospel for his parish community at Neutral Bay, Sydney. This is a transcript for a reflection on the Third Sunday of Easter.