New encyclical on human fraternity: the Pope’s cri de coeur 

Joseph Sinasac, publishing director of Novalis Publishing in Toronto, Canada, looks at the new encyclical. Fratelli tutti, he says, is not naïve, but a remedy against self-destruction and despair.

Reforming the Church and the Plenary Council 

Terry Kean, priest, Montmorency and Eltham Parishes, Victoria, reflects upon the key issues for the Plenary Council.

What are the issues for consideration at the Plenary Council for Australian Catholics? The Plenary Council has been delayed because of Covid 19, but the issues have probably only become more urgent. As to how we will regather as a Church, not only in Australia, but across the world, is a question that all of us will find very challenging.

Sing a new song 

A reflection by Peter Johnstone, Convener, Australasian Catholic Coalition for Church Reform, based on the readings of October 18, 2020, the 29th Sunday of the Year.

A letter to divorced Catholics  

Anna Demetriou is the proud mum of six beautiful adults and a pastoral worker in the Archdiocese of Melbourne, Western Region. In this article Anna reflects on the experience of being a divorced Catholic. 

The Swag

The Catholic Church: who needs reform?

Gideon Goosen is a Sydney-based theologian and author. Reprinted with permission from Pearls and Irritations October 11, 2020. Web:

There are many aspects to reform in the church. Different people and different reform groups, have their own take on what, or who, needs reform the most urgently. I must admit the recent article by Antonio Spadaro on Pope Francis has prompted me to think more about it (Francis’ Government: What is the driving force of his pontificate?, La Civilta Cattolica, Sept. 20. Accessed 16.9.2020). I would like to share some of those thoughts with you.